Originally written May 09, 2016: Note: I will keep adding to this, so please make sure to check back here periodically. 1570 Sir Humphrey Gilbert (see) married Anne Aucher and they had six sons and one daughter. 1578 1578-1580 Sir Francis Drake circumnavigate the world. June 11, 1578 A Letters Patent was issued to Sir Humphrey Gilbert (aka Sir Humfrey Gylberte) by the Queen Elizabeth I for Western discoveries, and to plant an English colony in America, with the provision he would not cause any harm to Spanish subjects. September 26, 1578 Sir Humphrey Gilbert assembled a rather large fleet, which sailed from Dartmouth, England. However, storms made them seek refuge in Plymouth, England until November 19, 1578. He gave up this attempt. The plan of the voyage by Sir Humphrey Gilbert was to establish a new English colony between Cape Hatteras and the Hudson River. 1579 April Sir Humphrey Gilbert returned to England after his sailing.
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